i cried and kept on crying the whole day yesterday!!
this is all because of what i kept inside for so long..
when i let it all go, i just cry..
i'm the type of person that just can't say NO
and when i have no choice, i end up crying..
i just felt so bad for my sayang..
i think i just hurt him so bad by the things i said...
it is all because of my wants and needs..
but i'm still wondering every minute of what i said...
was it wrong for me to tell him how i felt all this while???
it was an EXTREMELY emotional day for me..
at first,we were ok on skype..
then, somehow in a blink of an eye i became emotional..
after a while i try to calm myself down..
it happened twice today..in the morning and in the afternoon..
this is my first time to cry in front on my partner..
i know that i shocked him when i cried..
well,i didn't mean to..
i'm so sorry to make u feel bad but i just have to say what i kept inside for quite sometime..
no matter what, I STILL LOVE U!!!