Tuesday, November 16, 2010

the eve of raya haji!!

well,what a tiring day..hate it when mummy nags A LOT!!!annoying!! what else can i do but to listen to her nagging...i just kept quiet so that i won't spoil the mood for raya tomorrow...helped her out in the kitchen from 12 pm-6am..i just don't understand my mum sometimes..at times she can be a cool mum but other times she'll be the so called strict mum...whatever it is,tomorrow is raya haji..so,just play along n listen to my mum so that i won't spoil her mood...besides that, i'm glad that MY SAYANG loved the keychain...i didn't expect a guy who loved those cheesy type of gifts..hehehe...on the other hand,i'm feeling terribly sorry towards my dear friend allisa*..she going through a rough patch right now...with that particular guy saying that allisa only needs him whenever she's in trouble or bored..what kind a friend would say that???i just want to kill this guy NOW!!!because of him my friend is miserable n trying to do reckless thing...what can i do to make her stop thinking bout him???allisa,just move on n forget bout him..

p.s : i love MY SAYANG n i'm missing him like crazy now!!!=(