Monday, April 25, 2011

hatred towards U are growing!!

to all, do not ill treat your friends or anyone!!
don't you ever thought about other people's feeling?!?!?

maybe some people are not good as you but they have their own pride & dignity..
well, for your case it seems that you don't even care others BLOODY feeling!!
you made me so 'TERHEGEH HEGEH' towards you!!!
all i need was notes..i don't even care about your crappy personal life..
as if you care bout others personal life!!

if you have problem, share with your closest friend!!
so that you won't be ILL TREATING people!!

just because i didn't help you that day,doesn't mean you have to ignore me..
at that time,i did pity you but then i found that you went out..
how is that possible when you were out of cash???
if you want sympathy,just say so..
don't be such a pretender!!

i just can't explain the feeling that i'm feeling after what you did to me..
seriously,i just can't stand the attitude right now!!!
i'm just so pissed off!!!!!!!!!