last class of english 2 today and we had to perform a short sketch..i came to class with my sayang today..what an intense day??my group n i had to perform a short sketch entitled "The College Complication"...the role players are shafiq, myself, abg zul, afifah, shafiq mazlan n afdhal..the sketch we did today was about the rudeness of a student towards the lecturer..the students was played by shafiq, afdhal n afifah.and i played as the funny is that?haha..this role play was a last minute preparation but luckily it was okay..i was the lecturer and there was a scene where shafiq was going to hit me but then i was defended by afdhal..during that scene,i was laughing my ass off!!it was HILARIOUS!!FINALLY, we are done with our sketch..hehe