nurul afifah or fifah..i've been close to her since the first day of 2nd semester..she is also my classmate..she is always with me whenever im all alone..we have something in common which we used to be with the same f***** up guy..hahahaha..it was hilarious...during the first semester,we weren't close at all..we even barely talk to each other..but now, i can say that she is one of my close friends..the best thing bout her is her laugh...everyone will go insane when they hear her laugh...=D..that's all i can say bout her..

azaziah zahar also known as azi..she is so adorable..i met her during the 2nd day of orientation..during that particular day, i hang out with her n EVA...she is my classmate since the first semester..just a week ago, she got her hair straightened. she look so sweet tp gedik..ahahahaahaha..she have been comparing my hair to hers..before this,i've always have the best hair but now she owns the title...DANG IT!!!hehehe..

shafiq aka beckham moose...the funniest n dumbest guy ever..my first impression towards him, i said to myself that this guy is just sooo POYO..well,he's not..he is nice..ble buat lawak,rase mcm nak gelak terguling guling..hahahaha...i didnt expect i would be close to him..he is my partner in kitchen class...we are the POWER CHEFS!!!betul kn??tp ape2 pun, lepak ngn shafiq pendek ni mmg fun..hahaha